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Documentation of the Ziyarat

The text of the Ziyarat al-Nahiya is found in some early Ziyarat collections such as al-Mazar al-Kabir, by Muhammad Ibn Ja’far al-Mash’hadi, pp. 496-513. It is also reported in al-Mazar, by al-Mufid as mentioned in Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 98, pp. 318-329.

It is noteworthy that Sayyid Ibn Tawus (d. 664 AH) in his Misbah al-Za’ir reports another Ziyarat, which has some common parts with Ziyarat al-Nahiya. However, this Ziyarat has not been attributed to the Imam (PBUH), and has been only ascribed to Sayyid Murtadha (d. 436 AH). As al-Majlisi mentioned in Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 98, p. 251, although these variations might have been due to different narrations, yet this Ziyarat is apparently the composition of Sayyid Murtadha (RA) who used a part of original Ziyarat al-Nahiya, made some changes to it, added some phrases from other Ziyarats, and used to recite it as his own Ziyarat.


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